We crea­te Values

The com­pa­nies of the


We crea­te Values · Com­pa­nies of the



The Gnann Group is divi­ded into the main are­as of infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, rene­wa­ble ener­gies, real esta­te and hos­pi­ta­li­ty. In addi­ti­on to our own com­pa­nies, we con­stant­ly invest in inte­res­ting con­cepts, are always on the loo­kout for inno­va­ti­ve ide­as and offer young start-ups our sup­port with capi­tal, know-how or com­pe­tent part­ners. We never for­get our roots, build on basic values such as trust and live the idea of solid and trust­worthy entrepreneurship!


The core area of infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy is the basis here and inclu­des clas­sic topics such as sys­tem and soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment in the B2B area, the sup­port and con­sul­ting of nume­rous com­pa­nies in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of IT pro­jects and digi­ta­liz­a­ti­on in the pro­cess and machi­ne area.

With Ver­da­cloud, we are lea­ders in the field of digi­tal asset manage­ment and, in addi­ti­on to inde­pen­dent con­sul­ting, we offer sup­port and design of the­se sys­tems, assist you with your on-pre­mi­se solu­ti­on or ope­ra­te it for you wit­hin the frame­work of SaaS (Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice) and ASP (App­li­ca­ti­on-Ser­vice-Pro­vi­ding).

Other parts of the com­pa­ny and invest­ments inclu­de start-ups such as myvideeo.de, which spe­cia­li­zes in DSGVO-com­pli­ant video con­fe­ren­cing solu­ti­ons for tax con­sul­tants, lawy­ers and other com­pa­nies in the public and pri­va­te sec­tors that are obli­ged to main­tain con­fi­den­tia­li­ty. The­se com­pa­nies are pro­vi­ded with their own ser­ver solu­ti­ons to which only the com­pa­ny and the par­ti­ci­pants have access, in con­trast to the well-known shared ser­ver solu­ti­ons with thousands of par­ti­ci­pants and some­ti­mes unclear data pro­tec­tion.
As a spin-off, myklasseonline.de is ano­t­her low-thres­hold opti­on for schools and other edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons to con­duct data-secu­re videoconferences.

With Ver­da­sol we are acti­ve in the field of rene­wa­ble ener­gies for the B2B sec­tor, with inno­va­ti­ve sys­tems for the inte­gra­ti­on of pho­to­vol­taic modu­les. Whe­ther for new or exis­ting roofs, or in the con­text of an ener­ge­tic reno­va­ti­on of your roof surfaces.

We plan your “Green Ener­gy” pro­ject with an inno­va­ti­ve in-roof pho­to­vol­taic sys­tem from Ver­da­sol. This sets stan­dards in B2B and of cour­se uses con­ven­tio­nal modu­les free­ly avail­ab­le on the mar­ket! The­se modu­les are also the roof outer skin! Not only do you do without a con­ven­tio­nal roof, but you also deli­ber­ate­ly avoid pro­prie­ta­ry and expen­si­ve PV roof tiles — which tie you and your cus­to­mers to indi­vi­du­al manu­fac­tu­rers. Our solu­ti­on is fle­xi­b­ly adap­ted to your requi­re­ments, so you can now also offer your cus­to­mers a turn­key PV sys­tem. We plan and cal­cu­la­te your pro­ject, deli­ver the com­ple­te sys­tem and coor­di­na­te your tra­des on request. Even the final con­nec­tion can be done by your exis­ting electri­ci­an, as we can deli­ver ever­ything pre-configured.



We hold real esta­te as a clas­sic asset and focus on hos­pi­ta­li­ty wit­hin the scope of real esta­te manage­ment and uti­liz­a­ti­on, as well as the lea­sing of pro­per­ties in the short and long term to pri­va­te and com­mer­cial customers.

Gnann & Part­ner Wohn­bau is respon­si­ble for the con­struc­tion and main­ten­an­ce of the­se assets. In this way, we are con­stant­ly adding inte­res­ting invest­ments to our port­fo­lio, or app­ly­ing our exper­ti­se to the manage­ment and uti­liz­a­ti­on of exis­ting pro­per­ties and com­mer­cial properties.


The core area of infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy is the basis here and inclu­des clas­sic topics such as sys­tem and soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment in the B2B area, the sup­port and con­sul­ting of nume­rous com­pa­nies in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of IT pro­jects and digi­ta­liz­a­ti­on in the pro­cess and machi­ne area.

With Ver­da­cloud, we are lea­ders in the field of digi­tal asset manage­ment and, in addi­ti­on to inde­pen­dent con­sul­ting, we offer sup­port and design of the­se sys­tems, assist you with your on-pre­mi­se solu­ti­on or ope­ra­te it for you wit­hin the frame­work of SaaS (Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice) and ASP (App­li­ca­ti­on-Ser­vice-Pro­vi­ding).

Other parts of the com­pa­ny and invest­ments inclu­de start-ups such as myvideeo.de, which spe­cia­li­zes in DSGVO-com­pli­ant video con­fe­ren­cing solu­ti­ons for tax con­sul­tants, lawy­ers and other com­pa­nies in the public and pri­va­te sec­tors that are obli­ged to main­tain con­fi­den­tia­li­ty. The­se com­pa­nies are pro­vi­ded with their own ser­ver solu­ti­ons to which only the com­pa­ny and the par­ti­ci­pants have access, in con­trast to the well-known shared ser­ver solu­ti­ons with thousands of par­ti­ci­pants and some­ti­mes unclear data pro­tec­tion.
As a spin-off, myklasseonline.de is ano­t­her low-thres­hold opti­on for schools and other edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons to con­duct data-secu­re videoconferences.


With Ver­da­sol we are acti­ve in the field of rene­wa­ble ener­gies for the B2B sec­tor, with inno­va­ti­ve sys­tems for the inte­gra­ti­on of pho­to­vol­taic modu­les. Whe­ther for new or exis­ting roofs, or in the con­text of an ener­ge­tic reno­va­ti­on of your roof surfaces.

We plan your “Green Ener­gy” pro­ject with an inno­va­ti­ve in-roof pho­to­vol­taic sys­tem from Ver­da­sol. This sets stan­dards in B2B and of cour­se uses con­ven­tio­nal modu­les free­ly avail­ab­le on the mar­ket! The­se modu­les are also the roof outer skin! Not only do you do without a con­ven­tio­nal roof, but you also deli­ber­ate­ly avoid pro­prie­ta­ry and expen­si­ve PV roof tiles — which tie you and your cus­to­mers to indi­vi­du­al manu­fac­tu­rers. Our solu­ti­on is fle­xi­b­ly adap­ted to your requi­re­ments, so you can now also offer your cus­to­mers a turn­key PV sys­tem. We plan and cal­cu­la­te your pro­ject, deli­ver the com­ple­te sys­tem and coor­di­na­te your tra­des on request. Even the final con­nec­tion can be done by your exis­ting electri­ci­an, as we can deli­ver ever­ything pre-configured.


We hold real esta­te as a clas­sic asset and focus on hos­pi­ta­li­ty wit­hin the scope of real esta­te manage­ment and uti­liz­a­ti­on, as well as the lea­sing of pro­per­ties in the short and long term to pri­va­te and com­mer­cial customers.

Gnann & Part­ner Wohn­bau is respon­si­ble for the con­struc­tion and main­ten­an­ce of the­se assets. In this way, we are con­stant­ly adding inte­res­ting invest­ments to our port­fo­lio, or app­ly­ing our exper­ti­se to the manage­ment and uti­liz­a­ti­on of exis­ting pro­per­ties and com­mer­cial properties.

“I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better, and questioning yourself.”

Elon Musk